Jobs at DJ Techtools

DJ Techtools is a globally recognized company in the DJ industry and we consistently are looking for new folks to join our small-but-passionate team. Have a look at the current positions we’re looking to fill, below:

  • Software/Firmware Programmer: We’re looking for a someone to work with us on contract to write firmware and software updates for our products. See more details here.
  • Contributing Writers/Product Reviews: DJTT is consistently seeking new contributors with a versatile ability to write and talk about gear. Bonus points if you’re able to produce your own video content. If you’re interested, please email editor (at), tell us what you’d like to work on.
  • Something else entirely: Think you know exactly what we need before we’re even put together a job listing? Feel free to reach out to jobs (at) – no guarantees we’re looking, but we’d be happy to chat if it feels compelling!