Comments on: DIY MIDI: Still More Fun in 2011? The largest community for DJ and producer techniques, tutorials, and tips. Traktor secrets, controller reviews, a massive MIDI mapping library, and more. Fri, 23 Sep 2011 23:03:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: fbonito Mon, 04 Jul 2011 12:05:00 +0000 here is my project

By: Bart Fri, 24 Jun 2011 11:20:00 +0000 That Highly Liquid MIDI CPU, is that even usable? The links at the bottom point only to pages of the antique 5-pins DIN connector (for 32kbit/sec), and the datasheet says “Standard MIDI IN and MIDI OUT ports”, which I take to mean those same DIN connectors. USB is not even mentioned.

By: Bart Fri, 24 Jun 2011 11:10:00 +0000 In reply to Savadelic.

If you use the correct type of joystick, that is: one which uses potentiometers for control, instead of the more customary gaming joysticks based on microswitches, then it should be rather trivial to replace a plain crossfader potentiometer with one.

There’s one possible snag: a joystick usually uses only a small range from the potentiometer, and not the full range. That might be solved by proper configuration of the midi interface, but I’m not sure.

I have been thinking about a possible use of the 2-d nature of a joystick. With the vertical movement you could control global gain, thereby interactively changing the crossfade “curve”, by moving the joystick in an arc, instead of in a straight line.

By: mr_stifffy Wed, 22 Jun 2011 12:12:00 +0000 ditch the monodeck and get a xone 4d…. :O

By: Igor Warzocha Wed, 22 Jun 2011 09:44:00 +0000 aff still no hi-res photo of monodeck’s faceplate :))

By: Anonymous Wed, 22 Jun 2011 09:41:00 +0000 With summer vacation coming up I’m also planning to build a controller. So these DIY topics are extremely interesting. The only aspect I don’t know a lot about is PCB boards. Is there any chance of making a post about those? I currently have absolutely no idea which PCB I should choose.
Or are there already some forum topics about that? Because I haven’t checked for those ones yet…

By: Sarasin Wed, 22 Jun 2011 09:08:00 +0000 In reply to Savadelic.

The APC80!

The APC40 can be used in Traktor for instance and the APC20 in Ableton.

Or both in Ableton…or both in Traktor.

Clear buttons…multi colored LEDs…lots of faders…lots of knobs…


By: Savadelic Wed, 22 Jun 2011 07:33:00 +0000 Seriously, a joystick as a crossfader, whats up, can you guys do this?
