Comments on: Replace Expensive Mixing Desks With A Twister + Ableton The largest community for DJ and producer techniques, tutorials, and tips. Traktor secrets, controller reviews, a massive MIDI mapping library, and more. Fri, 30 Jun 2017 00:57:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Brown Fri, 30 Jun 2017 00:57:00 +0000 In reply to Ezmyrelda Andrade.

Ez, you’re a human being. Like the rest of us. You’re brave as FUCK already to be an out trans DJ. I don’t know where you’re from, but it doesn’t matter. That’s something that most of the world fears because they are decades behind understanding it.

A part of being an artist is learning that you’re different from others, and that others may not want what you’re selling. This other trans DJ’s publicity and success shouldn’t mean anything to you whether it’s legit, internet hate, or otherwise. [They’re] not you. You shouldn’t want it because they acquired it by being an artist other than yourself.

I’ve always admired your comments on this site in general; you’re not afraid to say what you believe, and you’re not hiding who you are.

In this world, that makes you stronger than most.

By: Dubby Labby Tue, 02 May 2017 09:43:00 +0000 In reply to Ezmyrelda Andrade.

Raul Midon is an angel 😉

By: Ezmyrelda Andrade Tue, 02 May 2017 00:45:00 +0000 In reply to Dubby Labby.

I’m crying right now.. as I listen to the song you sent me.. Thank you.. I really really needed that. <3

By: Dubby Labby Tue, 02 May 2017 00:27:00 +0000 In reply to Ezmyrelda Andrade.

Money is important in our society of course but Love is more important in our souls. Money can buy Love as Beattles song reminds all of us but music could be the medium for spread education even in Love… so all of us, as musician/djs have the relevant task to share and spread from our souls. That’s it and it shouldn’t be a hard work than a natural pleasure in the quest for hapiness. How to be happy if I can’t see Love in others? How to find Love outside myself if I can’t share from my inner?

Just love yourself and resonate in your own… darling, Love will return as bee come back for more honey 😉

By: Ezmyrelda Andrade Mon, 01 May 2017 19:44:00 +0000 In reply to Dubby Labby.

It doesn’t.. at all.. and I’m sorry I vented.. but I see this.. assumption.. from everyone.. everywhere.. the assumption that people have money.. and the assumption is that one needs to have money in able to eat and live.. and.. this is fundamentally wrong.. The world shouldn’t run on the assumption that people have money.. because.. most people in the world.. do not.. not enough to eat, not enough to keep a roof over their heads.. And the assumption follows.. if you don’t have money.. that’s your fault. always.. It never comes down to the people who have money to look at their situation and wonder why it is they have that job.. It’s always their hard and little else.. It’s the lie of success.. That when you become successful at anything it’s always because of your work, and every little imperceptible favor done by the people around you has nothing to do with it.

It’s just that I can’t follow any investments of time where something needs to be paid for.. and to be completely honest.. While I am a fan of all of their work.. I know from looking at all of their work.. that all of it… would still end up as a workflow I didn’t create and I didn’t intuitively know.. Which is why I like selected track control… There is nothing that Isotonik can offer that I can see myself perfectly fitting into… If I had the money.. I would buy all of their products.. and go through them at my leisure and see if anything stuck.. But I don’t so it’s irrelevant.

Internet hate is something that is VERY easy to forget about, yes.. but this wasn’t internet hate.. This was hate from somebody that was A. Supposed to be from dance culture. B. A person who was supposedly also trans.

So, I thank you for being the the person that gets a comment from a person struggling with a lot of weight and mental health issues and doesn’t take it personally.. If everyone on the internet were able to just say “I don’t see what that has to do with me, but let me offer you something that could help” there wouldn’t be any internet hate.. at all.

You’ve always been super cool and chill to me so I really appreciate you continuing to be that way.

By: Dubby Labby Mon, 01 May 2017 13:34:00 +0000 In reply to Ezmyrelda Andrade.

I don’t know what has to be with my comment but anyways forget about internet hate. Just make your best and let your work talk from itself. It’s a shame you can’t afford these devices but maybe you can try talking with Darren and find a winwin situation…
Isotonik crew are great professionals but also better people in my own experience. 🙂

By: Ezmyrelda Andrade Mon, 01 May 2017 11:02:00 +0000 In reply to Ezmyrelda Andrade.

But they declined my challenge to battle on the decks.. so.. yeah.. they ain’t shit.. “requirement for the right to privacy” my non-passing ass.

By: Ezmyrelda Andrade Mon, 01 May 2017 10:59:00 +0000 In reply to Dubby Labby.

They are all.. If I can remember correctly attached to the requirement that I shell out money.. That’s completely fine for those not in my situation.. But I’m not in their situation.. I have nothing against those who charge for their work.. I also live in a society that requires the mentally ill to suffer through “gainful” employment that only allows one to.. Actually I can’t even say that I could ever break even.. I tried taking a shot at offering the public what I can do well, and it has repeatedly declined over the years while it has offered those with financial and social capital opportunities at every turn even when those people had virtually no experience next to me… I can rock a floor.. nobodies ever given me the opportunity to do anything but open.. I’m over it.. Sorry… probably TMI.. I’m just kind of broken at something somebody on this site replied to me recently.. I have been humble at every opportunity for a real chance to share my art.. instead.. I get people criticizing me on issues they know nothing about from the safety of anonymity under the supposed guise of need for privacy because they are stealth as they tell this to a trans woman who will never be able to afford stealth..
